Computer Vision

Most Popular Eye Problem Amongst Youngsters


Eye Problems Due to Prolong Use of
Mobiles, Tablets, Laptops, Desktops & Televisions etc.

Since technology is such an integral part of our life, most of us spend many hours staring at screens today, whether they are computers, televisions, or our smartphones. This can cause severe strain on our eyes and vision, and lead to many symptoms like headaches, watery eyes, gritty eyes, sore and red eyes, along with neck and back strain. A Computer Vision Syndrome refers to such a state where our eyes start getting these sort of symptoms over a period.

Working adults aren’t the only ones who are dealing with Computer Vision Syndrome. Even children, who use tablets and gaming devices, have seen an increase in the symptoms.

Causes of a Computer Vision Syndrome

There are four main reasons for this syndrome:

  • Staring at a bright, lit screen means your rate of blinking decreases. This causes dry eyes which causes symptoms like grittiness,
    foreign body sensation, “sand in eyes” feeling, redness and soreness of eyes.
  • Prolonged staring for near vision results in convergence spasm of the small eye muscles since the eyes are not geared for prolonged near work. This causes headaches, and also sometimes, inability to focus.
  • Neck and back staring are the result of improper posture and improper positioning of computer screen or desk, and also using inappropriate chairs. Reading in bed from screen devices also causes significant problems.
  • You’re more likely prone to this syndrome if you already have any pre existing dryness of the eyes, or if you are not wearing the correct power of glasses.

State of-Art Technology,
Trained and Experienced Team of doctors

Limit screen time

Make sure you are aware of the amount of time you spend on-screen devices and try to decrease your dependence on smartphones.

Ensure proper posture

Make sure your keyboard is positioned to support your wrists, and your computer screen is positioned so that you can look down on the monitor.

Take appropriate breaks

Do not stare at a screen without taking breaks. Remember to follow the 20-20-20 rule; take a 20-second break to view something 20 feet away every 20 minutes.

Think and Blink

Remember to blink since blinking helps redistribute the tear film, and prevents dryness of the eyes.

Proper Light

Ensure that there is proper ambient lighting & do not work in the dark. Also, avoid glare from screens by adjusting its brightness, & ensuring the adequate position of ambient lights.

Wear Spectacles

Make sure your vision problems are treated, & your eyeglasses prescription is up to date. Limit the use of contact lenses since they aggravate dryness and strain.

Use Teardrops

Use over-the-counter, preservative-free lubricating eye drops to soothe your eyes. Do not use honey, rosewater, or other home remedies. Do not self-medicate, or use steroid drops unless prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

Think and Blink

Remember to blink since blinking helps redistribute the tear film, and prevents dryness of the eyes.

Our Team

Since technology is such an integral part of our life, most of us spend many hours staring at screens today, whether they are computers, televisions, or our smartphones. This can cause severe strain on our eyes and vision, and lead to many symptoms like headaches, watery eyes, gritty eyes, sore and red eyes, along with neck and back strain. A Computer Vision Syndrome refers to such a state where our eyes start getting these sort of symptoms over a period.

FAQs About ICL

  • The patient for oculoplasty can be operated within one day and can be discharged the same day as well. The recovery for this procedure is also very quick.
    NIO is also authorized for treatment of CGHS, CSMA and State Government Employees.
    Being an NABH accredited hospital, Dr. Dudhabhate Netralaya & Retina Centre has a patient friendly system of providing hassle free service to insurance and corporate patients. The system is developed by its vast experience in working with more than 10 insurance and corporate clients, and adding on.

    Government organization

    • CGHS
    • CSMA/li>

    Corporate clients

    • Insurance companies and TPA
    • Star Health Insurance
    • Care Health Insurance
    • Max Buppa (Niva Buppa)
    • NVGT
    • Heritage Health Insurance
    • Family Health Plan Insurance
    • Safe Way Insurance